Sunday, January 30, 2005

The Beretta Blinking Pin- this pin may give me nightmares for years to come. This pin was the brainchild of Scott Blackwell and Christopher Merritt after a few too many drinks one night (their story, not mine). We had 10,000 of these made for this show. Its a little white lapel pin that blinks a rapid blue light. We are handing them out to EVERYONE. And if a person is spotted wearing one outside of the trade show floor in Vegas this week they are put into a drawing for a free firearm. We thought these would last us the entire show. Instead, we ran out by the end of day 2!! I had to unwrap about 3,000 of these over the last few days. I am still seeing spots from the blinking. As much as I have been complaining about these little stinkers, I have to admit, they have been a huge success. You can't go anywhere in the convention center without seeing a flashing blue light.

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