Monday, October 17, 2005

An Amazing Race

Saturday was the long awaited "Amazing Race." Ashburn and McLean Stake Mid-Singles got together for a BBQ and Amazing Race around Washington DC.

2:30- Arrive Stake Center for team dividing. Each team is assigned a "Phil." (I got to be a Phil!)

2:31- Off to the Metro to find "the world's largest collection of Shakespeare" where the teams had to act out Caesar. Larry made an excellent Caesar, falling to the ground and everything.

After stunning tourists everywhere with our dramatics, we had to find a tourist at the Capitol Building to explain "How a Bill Becomes a Law." I don't know how well we did at explaining, but we did have a lot of fun listening to our tourist explain to us why Cheney should be impeached.
(Sidenote- all of these activities were being video taped. I can only post the pictures from the day, and not the videos unfortunately. I'm trying to find a server to host my videos.) (I should also explain that as "Phil" I did not participate or contribute in the task completing. I only handed out tasks and took pictures!)

Next we had a choice between assembling and flying a kite or taking a detour to the "place where the elephants live." We stayed at the Capitol to do the kite task.

Funny thing about flying kites at the Capitol. Turns out its a federal offense. A very nice Capitol Police Officer let us know about that one.

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