Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Schedule of Insanity

Sunday- flight at 7 am- land 9ish
Straight to part-time job to get schedule for the week. Discover on schedule for that night. (Um, could have sworn I told them I didn't do Sundays!)
Straight to parents' house. Make lunch for missionaries. Do 3 loads of laundry.
Rush to make 4:15 Singles Council meeting. Traffic was so bad it takes 45 minutes to go 6 miles.
Go straight from meeting to pt job. Work till 11.
(Meet lots of new co-workers, make new friend with Santha. Give her ride home, discover she's also LDS. What were the odds? Really?)
Monday- work at "real job" from 8:30-5. Work at part-time job from 6:30-12.
Tuesday- work at "real job" from 8:30-5. Work at part-time job from 6:30-12.
Wednesday- work at "real job from 8:30-whenever I finish? Call all singles in my ward and invite them to activity on Saturday. Do press release stuff for church. Unpack. Eat. Sleep. Catch up on 2 weeks worth of TV shows on TiVo, and "LOST" night! And gym time. Much much needed gym time.
Thursday- work at "real job" from 8:30-5. Work at part-time job from 6:30-12.
Friday- work at "real job" from 8:30-5. Harry Potter night!! (who's going with me for the midnight show?)
Saturday- Knitting class. Gym time. Singles Service Project 12-3. Stay at church and figure out how to make a turkey. Singles Thanksgiving Dinner 7:30-10 pm.
Sunday- I do believe there is a reason we call this the Day of Rest. Singles dinner.
Monday- work at "real job" from 8:30-5. Work at part-time job from 6:30-12.
Tuesday- work at "real job" from 8:30-5. Work at part-time job from 6:30-12.
Wednesday- Do I really have to say?
Thursday- Drive to Buena Vista for turkey.
Black Friday- work at part-time job for 10 hours.
Saturday- get foot massage. SLEEP.

As you can imagine, there isn't going to be a lot of time for blogging in the near future.


  1. Thank heavens for Saturday and sorry you won't have blogging time!

  2. Don't collapse from exhaustion! What a schedule!!

  3. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Kitting class? Where?? I need to do something like that.

  4. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Keep up the good work
    » » »


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