Thursday, March 23, 2006

Colin Firth, Duck Beach, Vegan Diet- it all comes together now

For years now I have slowly threatened to completely turn into Bridget Jones. As of today, I officially give up the fight and just allow the inevitable to happen. From alternating crushes on Colin Firth and Hugh Grant to her trademark absentmindedness and clumsiness, I have slowly evolved into Bridget. (By the way, this would be the Bridget from the books, not her movies. Although, I am also considerably like Movie Bridget as well.) I was about to make the following blog post when I realized that I have become Bridget (sans the "fags.") I now completely acknowledge and proceed forward anyway.

The contract on the beach house is complete and the deposit is in the mail. Which basically means I am officially on a weight loss regimen. Diet City here we come. In order to keep myself dedicated I will be posting my progress here (a la Bridget). Today is kickoff day which means only water and fresh fruits and vegetables. I'm not going vegan, just healthier than my usual burger and fries. I will attempt to maintain a vegetarian lifestyle for a full week. (Not easy considering I'll be in Little Rock all next week.) No sugar and no bread for at least 2 weeks. (I might die.) I'm not so brave as to say no diet sodas yet. But I will be slowly weening myself from them. Cold turkey on the sugar and caffeine really could kill a girl.

I will also keep up the yoga once a week, gym at least 3 times a week, and hopefully institute running/walking at least 3 miles a week as well. And all TV watching and knitting will be done while sitting on my yoga exercise ball thingy. (It's good for posture and butt toning. And I need both.)

And in true Bridget fashion I will be tracking my weight loss and exercise success and/or failures right here.


  1. You are braver than I. I don't want ANYONE knowing my weight or my shortcomings, including myself ;)

  2. I didn't say I was going to reveal my actual weight. Only the pounds (or ounces as the case may be) up and down. NO ONE needs to know the full mass weight, right?


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