Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Can I get a hoo-ha Tuesday?

So freaking happy! On a complete whim I checked plane tickets one last time today, just on the off chance I could get a ticket to Utah next week. The frequent flyer gods have been punishing me and not giving me what I want for the last 2 months. But I checked one last time today and I'm going to visit my sister!! YEAH!!! WOO-HOO!! I get to spoil nephews and everything!! I can't wait!

Tonight I sat down to re-do the budget (hello car payment and new rent) and schedule out July. Holy Cow! How did I get so busy in July already? Next week I'm in Utah, followed by a big singles activity the next day. I'm home for 3 days, working serious overtime, and then off to Girls Camp for 3 days (yeah!! i heart GC!). Home for 1 day. Off to National Range Day in Philly (work thing). Home for a week. Off camping for a weekend. Home for a week. Off to go white water rafting with the cousins for a weekend. Home for a week. Off to a family reunion. Home for a week. Do you see a pattern emerging here, Scully? (lots of love to the person who correctly guesses that quote) Silly me for thinking I would have time for a part-time job to help tide me over this summer. Yeah right. But if I am extra good and cancel a few memberships, I just might be able to afford my lifestyle without selling my bodily fluids. Once September comes the budget loosens up considerably. But until then, no more Armands or Cheesecake Factory every night. And scarier yet, I might actually have to take my lunch to work! It doesn't mean I have to give in and learn to cook. It just means I have to be careful...

Famous last words...

Who cares?! I'm going to see my little guys next week! Yeah baby!

(Look! A whole blog without whining about the weather!! Shocking!)


  1. Wasn't the pattern a bomb timer?

  2. Ooh! Score one for Corey! Yes, Mulder said it to Scully in the movie about a bomb in a coke machine. With our mutual love for Diet Cokes, I'm sure you can appreciate why that always cracked me up. If you want to kill people, rig the Diet Coke.


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