Sunday, November 26, 2006

An Extremely Erin Day

Today turned out to be an Extremely Erin Day, and quite by accident. Of course, I think it only happened because of yesterday's blog where I said I felt like I haven't been me much lately. Well, today made up for that in spades!

First, I went horseback riding with my sister Stephanie, on our horse "Streaker." He is a rescued race horse, and his racing name was Decorated Streak. Steph volunteers out at the rescue farm every week, and has worked very hard to train Streaker.

Until recently Steph was the only one allowed on her beloved Streak. But she has now allowed her boyfriend Joel to ride him, and today for the first time, me. It has been several years since the last time I was on a horse. Sadly, my horrible horsemanship showed in most of the pictures we took today, so this is the only one I am willing to post of me.

Also at the rescue farm there are several baby horses waiting to be adopted. I fell in love with this one several months ago, and then fell in love with him all over again today. He's a snuggler. I am laughing in this picture because every time I walked away from him he would come up and nuzzle my cheek again. He's just a baby in need of some love. (And if my dreams (from the aforementioned previous blog) come true, this little guy will be mine some day.)

After horseback riding (which for those of you who don't know, was one of my first loves in my life, and something I did passionately for many years in my youth), I took my dad, brother, and mother to the shooting range. Nothing spells family love like a little trip to the range now does it? All I can say is HOLY CRAP. It was possibly one of the funniest experiences of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:44 AM

    It's also one of my first loves. I was the girl that all the other little girls who asked for ponies for Christmas wanted to be. Well, in the horse department, at least. Raised several colts for 4-H, etc. I'm also nearly deathly allergic to them, but did that stop me? Of course not.

    What makes me really happy? My current allergy shot regimen includes horse in the mix. :)


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