Saturday, February 10, 2007

Happy Thoughts

I know it has only been 2 days since I resigned, but I'm feeling so much better now. I'm considerably happier knowing that I have options and freedom. And of course, I am very happy about going on vacation this week. My poor sister has had to put up with me calling to plan and re-plan my trip every day for a month now, and I still don't have it completely planned! But as of right now, the plan kind of looks like this-
Wednesday- get there, watch the nephews while their parents go on a Valentine's date. Hopefully hang out with girlfriends later.
Thursday- attend "Life, the Universe and Everything" literary conference. Meet internet friend Stacer! Stacy is speaking at the conference, and I will be learning from the master.
Friday- maybe attend the conference again, possibly have a job interview. We shall see. Friday night- go to the Tavernacle! (you know how i love my dueling piano bars!)
Saturday- skiing with my sister. Heaven help us all. Saturday night- Monster Truck Jam!! My nephews and my friend Eric will be joining me for the monster trucks.
Sunday- it's Sunday, what do you expect I'll be doing?
Monday- can't tell! It's a secret.
Tuesday- the all important Aunt Erin and Nephews time. This is also known as "the nephews convince Aunt Erin to give them all of her money" time.
Wednesday- go home. But only if they make me.

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