Monday, March 10, 2008

Wishing for a Simpler Day and Time

There have been so many changes in my world and the way I view the world in the past year. Between job changes, moving, painful betrayals by friends, illness, and more I am a very different person today than I was just one year ago. There are so many of those things that I wish I could go back and change, or undo, or not live through again. But I'd go through all those trials a dozen more times if I could undo the murder of Todd Rogers. And to the best of my knowledge, I never knew Todd.
John Bloxham goes on trial for the murder of Todd today. I did know John, which I wrote about here. I also knew Carrie, Todd's fiance. I was grateful to receive her Christmas letter and have the opportunity to see how strong she is and how she has fared through this awful experience. I've thought about her, John, Todd's family, and what could cause a man to do something so horrible many times over the past several months. Like I said, if there is anything I would change about the past year, it would be John's descent into such a dark place that he could do this.

My heart goes out to those so much more directly affected by this awful tragedy.
(Thanks to Sherpa for the reminder.)

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