Monday, December 19, 2011

That's Miss Writer to you!

After approximately 28 years of writing, I can officially call myself a professional writer today. Never did I imagine that when the day would come that I could say that I am being paid to write for someone else that I would be writing about the stock market and investments. In fact, had I ever known that this day would be coming, I probably would have taken very different courses in college.
But nonetheless, this is a big day for me. I am officially getting paid to be a blogger for a major online publication. It is part-time, freelance, pay-per-click work, but hey, it is work. And I will always be grateful for work. (This is also the future of all writing. It screws the writers over, and really benefits the publishers. But it is what it is.)
So if you have a few minutes, check me out over at the Motley Fool. I've only been blogging for them for a few hours, but I've got a post up already- Why is Facebook finally going public? 
For those of you counting, (heaven knows I am), here is a round up of all my current writing or blogging projects-
Meridian Magazine's A Single Thought - talking about dating, and being single in the LDS Church
Swing State Voter- blogging about politics (I usually get 2 posts a day up) (guest bloggers welcome!)
Cutting Back and Going Green - blogging about good deals, saving money, and living a green friendly life (guest bloggers really welcome!)
Jobs By Erin- IT job listings
This blog!
The Motley Fool Blog
and I am attempting to finish writing a novel by the end of the year. 12 days left to go! (I'm never going to make it.)
For those of you who may be confused about why I wasn't a professional writer before, and now I am-
I write professionally all of the time. I've done quite a bit of professional writing. And I do hope to make money off of my other blogs. But I am by no means a professional blogger, just because I have blogs with ads on them. For this new writing gig, I have been hired to write. And actually, this is using "hired" in a very loose sense of the term. I have no contract. However, I have been invited to write for them, and I will get compensated. It is a tricky, fine line. Suffice it to say, I'm very flattered that I get to do this. And I am very excited about this opportunity. It can lead to really good things!
That all being said, I am still very much looking for a job.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    good for you Erin !! I have already clicked on it and liked it to my facebook. Um a new verb is born - liked. Don't you love the english language?



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