Sunday, December 03, 2006

Weekend Wrap Up

I officially declare the weekend... interesting?
On Friday night I had a little family bonding time and joined my parents to see "Deja Vu" with Denzel Washington. Normally this sort of movie wouldn't tempt me, but it was all Dad was willing to see. Wow! I liked it! I really really liked it! It's different and unique, and for once I didn't see the end coming by mid-movie. In fact, I had a guess as to how it would end, and I loved it when I was wrong. I highly recommend it!
After that the cinematic joys were not quite over, as I introduced my baby sister to Doris Day and Rock Hudson. Sometime after midnight she and I tucked in the water bed to watch "Pillow Talk" together. Unfortunately I was asleep before Doris Day finished her opening solo. But Steph informs me that she loved it ("I didn't know people could talk like that back then!"), and we are looking forward to watching, "Lover Come Back" together soon.
On Saturday I convinced my parents to go look at a log cabin with me. I really have my heart set on buying and building one sometime in the future. But to be honest, I know very little on the subject. However, my parents did manage to buy and sell (and even build a few) over 5 houses (all in Northern Virginia) in my lifetime, so I wanted their opinions and advice. Dad's advice- don't waste money on a cabin. Mom's advice- buy something cheap. My decision- I really love log cabins. We'll see what will happen. There's plenty of time before this all comes together, but I want to start getting my ducks in a row now.
The highlight of my weekend however was taking more Vicodin and settling down with 3 more Netflix copies of "Veronica Mars." If you haven't caught this show yet, I highly recommend it. However, it won't be for everyone. If you can't appreciate "Gilmore Girls," or any other fast paced, quick wit humor show, you won't appreciate this one. It's sort of Nancy Drew meets Scooby Doo meets the O.C. Whatever it is, I'm hooked. I'm halfway through Season 2 on DVD, and trying to figure out Season 3 on live TV right now. Any show with its beginnings on UPN and a new home on the CW is definitely not your mainstream show. But it's good. Try it!

1 comment:

  1. I am also a fan of Veronica Mars. I wish I had TV for that reason alone. Though, truth be told, it's more fun to watch on Netflix since you don't have to wait a week between episodes.


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