A sidenote, not in anyway meant to be a negative note- something different about my life here as compared to home is that I'm still not really feeling a part of a ward/congregation. I've been attending one and I've met a few people there. But quite frankly, I don't belong there (yet). So it has been convenient and great for me that I've had so many chances to meet people from LDS Linkup.com lately. And this post is all about the crazy friends I have met through there.
(because i know there are a few people who are protective of having their real names used, i will keep to using all screennames.)
Last Friday, 2 very popular Linksters came into town, and therefore a party must be held. VegasBrad, from Vegas obviously, and Strange Daze from L.A. So they invited about 40 of their closest friends to dinner and, well, I think the pictures speak for themselves.
It was my second chance to meet several people (having met them at the campout the week before), which was great. I got to solidify a few friendships and spend a little more time with a few familiar friends.
Specifically, ViolinMom!

This would be Krispy, Elephant Man and me (Erin Queen of Hickville). Our end of the table was a little crazy crowded, but we certainly had fun!

Brad demonstrated some of his finer dance moves.

Dinner was great, the food was great, the company was great, and the conversation was great. As you can see, I did my fair share of talking! (is that the most accurate picture of me ever, or what?)

Dinner was over at a slightly reasonable hour, but then I got home and stayed up all night talking to somebody. I'm not complaining, I'm just explaining this leads to the massive sleep deprivation. I think I went to bed at 4:30 a.m.
And then it was Saturday.
I shopped. I shopped and shopped and shopped. And spent more money on clothes in one day than I have in the entire past year. No regrets!!
Following that, and only adding to my sleep deprivation was a late night drive in movie with ShaBang! We saw Evan Almighty, and I slept through Shrek 3. Not sure if I really cared for either movie. And again, I stayed up most of the night after that talking to Somebody.
Sunday was first church obviously. It always is. And then it was Food of the Gods time. FotG is apparently a tradition held when VegasBrad and a few others get together. It's what it sounds like. An entire party based around just eating really good food. This Sunday it was 6 straight hours of really great food. And of course, laughing with friends.
Here we have ViolinMom (also just in town visiting- from Missouri!), Strange Daze herself, Scarface, Dead Sexxy Nerdspouse and Just Beautiful all getting cozy on the couch. In case you are curious, Scarface and Dead Sexxy Nerdspouse are married. And the rest of us are just jealous that they are so dang cute.

And look, here we have Krispy again! This time she has stolen the sweetest little boy in the world away from me. I had stolen him away from Dead Sexxy Nerdspouse, who had stolen him from his mother, ^AVGGIRL22 (above average girl). Therefore, I have named him, ^AvgBabyBoy.

Here are some more of the lovely ladies that were there. I believe going from left to right they are- iNikki, Blizzey, ViolinMom, ^AvgGirl22, SpecialK?, HolyMag (down under the others), and LuvsMusic. But I could be wrong about 2 of those names!

Next I have to share this picture of myself. Why? Because if you have been paying attention, you know I'm really not photogenic at all. Which is why I love this picture of me. The shirt adds about 30 lbs to me, and therefore has been burned, but other than that, I love this picture!

Here's a picture of the man responsible for most of the above pictures, Not Steve Martin.

And the front of Brad.

And a lovely shot of miss Strange Daze again.

And let's not forget our hostess, Gathering Moss.

The party was fun. I met so many other people that I just don't have the time or energy to post more pictures of. I really enjoyed just chatting and hanging out with everyone.
And then, if you can believe it, I went home and stayed up all night talking to somebody. And as you already know, I went to Fall Out Boy on Monday night with Nerdspouse. And then Tuesday night was the naughty bridal shower. The what? Oh yes, my friends, I attended a naughty bridal shower. More details on that to come in a few days. But again, got home really late. But didn't stay up too late talking to a certain somebody. And then last night, Wednesday, ugh. Food poisoning and a a kitty overdose. Seriously. My kitten, Mork, ate my sleeping pill, making life for me just a little difficult.
But really, that's a story for another day.
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