Monday, July 21, 2008


This is my 1,300th post. Wow.
It is fitting that for such a big post I would be so incredibly frustrated. Why fitting? I don't know. It just is because this blog seems to be the place I take out my frustrations.
The last few weeks have had some great highs, as well as some very very irritating lows. I've enjoyed every minute of the highs, and yet had to put up with several frustrating moments where I could control nothing.
It is these highs and lows that have lead to me going on my third job in one year sometime in the near future. Which definitely falls under the category of "Things I Could Not Control." There are many parts about this that are good. And many that are bad. All I know is I just want it to settle down.
And I wish more than anything I was in a position to say more. But I'm not. Because I don't know anything. I know my company was sold to another company, and I am considered one of the resources that was sold off. I have no control in the situation. And in case you aren't aware, I LIKE control.
The last few days, and I'm sure the next few days are going to require patience out of me like I have never had before.


  1. Good luck. Keep your head up! :)

  2. Aw man. So sorry for you. I know you love that job.

    Hate when the bigwigs come in and foul everything up.

    Prayers for you.

  3. Ah man! That really blows. One of My jobs is always hiring, I can always give you the info for it.

    Good luck and God bless you in your time of stress.


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