Saturday, January 02, 2010


Thank you to everyone who voted for me in the Vidli Booby competition. I took 5th place! Not bad for only one week in the competition! (the top 2 people were in the competition over a month)
For placing in the top 5 I score an initial job interview with them. That makes 3 more interviews (1 third interview, 2 first/phoner interviews) next week! I'm also expecting to hear back on where I stand with two other companies (advance on to another interview, or out of the running).
I'm looking forward to "write because I can" week starting tomorrow. "Watch movies and NCIS until I turn into a pile of goo because I can week" has been lovely. "Back on the HCG diet because I need to week" has been tolerable as well.
Again, thank you for your support in helping me score the job interview! Let's hope I can actually get a job offer sometime real soon!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the Vidli Booby competition! I'm glad I was able to help. Good luck with all your interviews and diet. :)


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