Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Dance Day!!

It has been one heckuva long time since the last time I posted a HAPPY DANCE!!!
I thought today's happy dance pick of Jai Ho, as performed by @rachelhagen and @mickhagen was perfect. First, I love the meaning behind Jai Ho (victory to thee!). Second, it seems appropriate that the little victory or happy thing in my head that I am celebrating is social media/career related, and Rachel and Mick are two people that really "get" it! And while I am at it, let me plug Rachel's Elegance Redefined decorating and design blog, and Mick's company I "met" this couple via social media, which makes this post today that much more appropriate!
Lots of good things happening today! Let's all do a happy dance!!

Now, if you'll excuse me, my favorite 4 year old has just knocked on the door and wants me to come play "flips" with her. (Where I through her through the air until we are both completely nauseated.) I can't think of a better way to spend the afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for Happy Dances!! Thanks so much for mentioning us...and posting our dance. Hopefully one day we'll actually get to meet in person. :)


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