Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Book Sale!!

During the move this past month we came across a pile of books! And not just any book! But the book I co-wrote along with BFF Jules. My father's forgetfulness (that he had a stash of books hiding in the basement) is your gain! I am having a fire sale! You can buy your very own copy of Beyond Perfection for $5, plus shipping, directly from me! If interested, send me an email at mcbridemarketing at gmail.

"Really, really good, girlie!" - Dad
"So funny!" - My cousin.
"This book is an updated, Mormon version of Pride and Prejudice. If you're a die-hard Austen fan, you might not want to read this because it doesn't draw faithfully from the plot (like the movie Pride and Prejudice: a Latter-Day Comedy which I love too!) Instead takes certain social issues from the original and parodies the Mormon culture, like the insane mom who doesn't care who her daughters date as long as they get married, loser user guys who womanize, guys thinking all Mormon girls just want a husband, and the richer the better, etc. My favorite is the Mr. Collins character. He's unreal! Way too funny. It's got a fun twist, not too predictable, and a fun Saturday afternoon read." - Some chick on Amazon we did not pay off to say that.

"this was a refreshing fast read. I'm so glad that my dating days to find my eternal companion are over. Though I still fill for all those that are still searching or have an overbearing mother whose conversation always turns to questions of when they are to be married or have they met anyone? Lizzie has gotten a full ride scholarship to the U of U and although she comes from a tradition of BYU attendees she can't pass up this opportunity. She is very studious and rarely dates until she happens to be at the institute the same time as the legendary institute pre. William pemberley who has recently broken off an engagement and is great to look at, not to mention a great catch all around. She talks to him briefly and he asks her if she is attending the friday night dance. She makes a sarcastic response about the food not being worth going and he makes a deal to have better food there in exchange for a dance. That is how the journey begins." A girl on that gave us 5 stars!

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1 comment:

  1. " the insane mom who doesn't care who her daughters date as long as they get married" Urgh, I grew up with that woman in my ward...and she didn't stop with just her own daughters! Nevertheless, I will have to order a copy - I love P&P, despite Mrs. Bennett (and related characters)!


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