Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hair Questions

I love that I am getting so many questions about my hair!
Since the Brazilian Keratin Treatment  I have been crazy busy with family activities, a funeral, house hunting, and girls camp. I have to admit, that the vain side of me (who really isn't allowed to talk very much) is loving my hair. In the middle of the worst of the heat and humidity at girls camp, where my showers were short and fast, I never once thought about my hair. I could wash it quickly, and just move on. I even forgot to brush my hair one day after my shower, and just piled it up in a ponytail. 12 hours later when I found my brush and finally got around to brushing my hair (gotta love girls camp), it wasn't ratty, tangly, or even a mess. In fact, it looked kind of cute!
Today was one of the worst steam baths Virginia weather has to offer. Temperatures over 90 and massive, steamy, rainy down pours. In the past this would have meant having a frizzball on my head with curly q's for bangs. But today, thanks to the brazilian blowout, my hair stayed perfectly normal. I had to get up at the crack of dawn this morning to drive to DC. As usual I was running late, and just quickly washed my hair and blow dried it. I didn't use a hair brush, and just ran my fingers through it. In spite of putting no effort into my hair and the wretched humidity, I got 2 compliments from total strangers on my hair.
So do I recommend getting a Brazilian Blowout? You betcha!
Bring on 3 months just below the equator in Cambodia! My hair can take it!

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